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Monday, January 4


Patricia D. Youngs (Dunn)
July 9, 1935 - December 24, 2020
Click Here for Full Obituary



Waterville Central School District:

Waterville Public Library:


Click Here for the Latest from Governor Cuomo
Click Here for the COVID Report Card
Click Here for the Latest from the CDC
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor
Click Here for the NYS Park Department
Click Here for the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the Madison County COVID-19 Dashboard

While WCSD is continuing with Remote Learning through this week, January 4-11, free meals are available for all students for pick up at the Waterville Public Library from 11 am - 6 pm, Tuesday - Friday.  All families are encouraged to participate by clicking through the Google Form HERE
Wednesday - Friday, additional Food Bags through the Weekend Warriors are available- and again, encouraged to be utilized!  They need this food to get out there! If you are able to pick up for a neighbor or friend, please do so!


After a rainy Christmas and winter vacation for WCS, a fresh dusting of snow landed Sunday late afternoon giving the landscape a bit of refreshed beauty.  With a week of more wintery temperatures, we just might get to keep it for awhile too. That's news to make any snow sport enthusiast excited! For everyone else, it's still within the manageable to shovel and tears don't instantly freeze range.
Snow this pretty made for an excellent few stops alone the country roads and a nice flow on Gridley Paige Rd, and down at the caves on Route 315.

As we walk through Blog Header memory lane, we were always impressed with Flip's creativity and artistry each year.  This year, we haven't found an image we love. So we'd like to open it up to YOU. If you have a photograph or piece of artwork that you think is fitting for the blog, please email You just might have the perfect fit for the 2021 Hub of the Huddle header!

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