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Wednesday, April 29



Click Here for the Latest from Governor Cuomo 
Including the April 28th Outline for a Phased Re-Opening
Click Here for the Latest from the CDC
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor
Click Here for the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the Madison County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the NYS Park Department

Click Here for Online Bill Payment

From the Jr/Sr High:
Click Here for an Update on Online Learning 

From MPS:
Don't miss this video from the MPS Positivity Project! Click Here for the Video posted through Facebook
Click Here for the PDF Update for MPS Online Learning

Click Here for More Info & Or to Help Sew Masks

We’d like to bring our communities together when we all need it the most. While we had to reschedule our original Mudfest date of May 2nd because of the pandemic, we'd like to still honor that date by hosting our virtual “Chalk the Walk” event to share some smiles, joy and hope.
We’re asking you to get outside and create a positive message, whether it’s in your driveway with sidewalk chalk or paint, on a dirty vehicle, or by some other creative means (while maintaining social distancing, of course!) Then, post a pic of your message on your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter page (or all three, if you have them!). ***Make sure you tag Daniel Barden Mudfest in your post so we can see it, like it and share it!
When you donate $25 or more, you’ll receive a special-edition t-shirt, which will help keep our summer Daniel Barden Adventure Scholarship in place, allowing for children from both central New York and Connecticut to enjoy a summer adventure and bonding experience. While you don’t need to donate during Chalk the Walk to participate, your help is greatly appreciated:
Let's fill our communities with positive messages!

Click Here for more Info

From the Brothertown Optimist Club regarding the Brothertown Scholarship Fund:

Click Here for Local Directories & Info at

With all of the distant ways of sharing cheer, it seems like the perfect year for May Day Baskets to return this Friday, May 1st. Leaving a basket (of sorts) filled with flowers (of sorts) on someone's door. Then, knocking and leaving the surprise. Click Here for history on May Day if you are unfamiliar. Click Here for a nostalgic 2015 NPR Article. Send us any photos or stories of your own May Day Baskets or experiences! 

Tuesday morning the previous day's rain let go with a blanket of fog. But continued with more warm sunshine!

Photo: Gaudin Family
The scattered sunny days are a gift to many of us in CNY lately, but especially when it lands on your birthday! One newly 4 year old received a special version of the Waterville Area Birthday Train to match her love of  vehicles with big wheels! Tractor Trailers, motorcycles, and lots of honking, cheering cars.
Photo: Gaudin Family

Photo Waterville Area Birthday Train

Photos: Brothertown Connected Community 
Click Here to See More
At the Jr/Sr High, the second Connected Community Food Drop took place, offering boxes of food to any community member who drove through. While the Waterville Times delivered to community members who were housebound. With 750 gallons secured to give away, community members can drive-thru the Memorial Park School parking lot this Friday, May 1st and next Tuesday, May 5th for 2 gallons of milk, plus eggs, cheese, and heavy cream while it lasts (full details above).

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