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Monday, April 6


Joan I. Lewis
June 8, 1944 - April 3, 2020
Click Here for Full Obituary


Click Here for the latest from Governor Cuomo & Click Here for the Updated NYS Pause 
Click Here for the CDC Weekly Surveillance Summary 
Click Here for the New CDC Recommendation for Cloth Face Coverings
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor

Sr High Wellness Bingo!


Photos: Waterville Central School District
Saturday, families of students in K-6 at MPS were able to do curbside packet pickup for the work packets that will carry students through the April 15th school closure.  Meal Pick Up will now continue, but with a slight tweak- Meal Pick up will take place Monday - Thursday with an additional meal given out on Thursday  *See WCS notice above.

Palm Sunday Services were held in unique ways, from Live Videos, to sermon outlines, and more.  Easter will take a similar approach- together in spirit, if not in body.  More on where to find services and options to come this week. But if you are unable to get out for necessary Basket items, Maxwell's Chocolates in Hamilton is offering online ordering  and the Marshall Maverick's are offering the following (deadline today)

The Waterville Area Birthday Train has also continued to keep busy as birthdays are celebrated at home, but thanks to all that honking and cheering, not so quietly.

With days actually feeling spring-like and now nearing Easter, homes are increasingly adorned.

The sun rise could be seen without cloud cover today! Monday and Tuesday are looking sunny and warm. Enjoy some fresh air in safe ways!

We're heading out for our own fresh air, and to admire the Kindness Rocks, Decorated Sidewalks and Windows, and general beauty that is still our area!

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