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Wednesday, April 1

Happy April Fools!
Click Here for the History behind it

All Information Subject to Updates and Changes. Please check original sources for the most current information.

Click Here for Updates from Governor Cuomo 
Including the Update the NYS schools will continue classes through April 15th, even if Spring Break was scheduled.  This also means that districts are able to continuing providing meals.
Good morning! Since the Governor has eliminated the spring recess, our teachers have put together additional work for our MPS students. There will be a packet pick-up from 11am to 2pm on Saturday, April 4 in the MPS bus loop. Volunteers will be there to hand out packets. Simply drive into the loop and someone will hand you your child's packet. No need to get out of your vehicle. Thank you for your support during these difficult times! Please stay safe and we will see you this Saturday.
Click Here for the latest from the CDC
Click Here for the latest from the World Health Organization
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor

Restaurant Updates:

While you'll now have to stop by Johnny's China Cafe

The Boro reopens for Take Out on Thursday

Michael's is offering Delivery to their Waterville location from their Hamilton Inn location


Tuesday's big news was the Connected Community Food Drop that took place at the Jr/Sr High, and allowed anyone to drive through the circle and have a bag of food delivered to their car. With The Waterville and others offering to deliver to those housebound, this initiative combined with the free Meal Pick-Ups and the Waterville Area Food Pantry boxes will hopefully ensure that our community is well cared for, and also able to stay home as need.
Click Here for the Spectrum News Coverage
Click Here for the Observer Dispatch Photo Gallery
Photo: Connected Community Schools


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