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Friday, April 24



Click Here for the Latest from Governor Cuomo 
Click Here for the Latest from the CDC
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor
Click Here for the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the Madison County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the NYS Park Department

Click Here for the Link to the Tuesday, April 21st Board of Education Meeting

From MPS (Tuesday, April 21):
MPS Positivity Project: 
We are launching the MONDAY MILE for the whole community. Beginning April 27th and every Monday thereafter let's agree to start our week off strong. Hike it, bike it, dog walk it, run it, or get on the treadmill. Every Monday we'll encourage you to do your MILE. Why? Reason #1- Regular physical activity can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety and can also help to strengthen our immunity. Your MPS family is with you. We'll be posting our pics to motivate you.

From the Jr/Sr High:
Click Here for the additional slides in the PDF Presentation Update on the 2019-2020 Jr/Sr High School Year
Click Here for the YouTube Video Presentation

From the Brothertown Optimist Club regarding the Brothertown Scholarship Fund:

Click Here for More Info

Check In with your Local Businesses before You Walk In - Quick Link Business Directory.
OR, if you are able, call and ask how you can support your local businesses to keep the lights on.

Click Here for more Info


Photo Waterville Residential Care Center
The Waterville Residential Care Center, pictured here on Earth day, has been closed to visitors since March 10th. But they have been active on social media, keeping the community and resident families updated on what's happening. As well as, recently honoring their staff working to keep everyone healthy and safe.

 While we can continue to drive and walk around, socially distant, and to share out photos from other groups, we would love to include some of your photos during this current time- that will also become historic. How is it going as an essential worker? What does your non-essential work look like at home? How are you and your kids handling school at home? Anything else noteworthy during these new times.

The end of April has brought different surprises in past years:

Earlier in 2007, the Mill Building was the reason for a midnight alarm as the frame addition collapsed.  Read the full April post by Clicking Here 

Earlier this year, The Waterville Historical Society posted this photo of the Mill prior to demolition.  "One of the last pictures of "the mill", taken in August of 2007, days before it was torn down. The building was built as Putnam Hall, and has since been used as Buell's Shoe Factory, Oneida Hosiery, and finally as Waterville Knitting Mills (as pictured). "

A last glimpse before demolition on August 23, 2007 as noted in At Home in the Huddle.

Send in your photos & stories to mark this time in history to

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