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Monday, April 20


Mary T. Battaglia (Langone)
Febrauary 19, 1923 - April 16, 2020
Click Here for Full Obituary



Click Here for the Latest from Governor Cuomo 
Click Here for the Latest from the CDC
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor
Click Here for the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the Madison County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the NYS Park Department

WCSD Updates:
Attention MPS Families!
Please stay tuned for updates to our instructional plan, given the most recent announcement that school buildings will remain closed through May 15, 2020.
More information will be coming out to you on Tuesday, 4/21.
Stay Well!
- Mrs. Gray

Jr/Sr High:
Click Here for the additional slides in the PDF Presentation Update on the 2019-2020 Jr/Sr High School Year
Click Here for the YouTube Video Presentation

Special Board of Education Meeting 
April 21, 2020 at 5 pm
This meeting will take place remotely and will be live on YouTube
Breakfast and lunch are being distributed until April 29th. Each location will be open from 11 am - 1pm. There will be NO Friday food pick-up: you will pick up food on THURSDAY for two days.
Pick up locations are:  Waterville Fire Department, Deansboro Fire Department, Oriskany Falls Methodist Church, North Brookfield Fire Department.
If you need assistance getting food from a site call 841-3900 and press 9.

From the Brothertown Optimist Club regarding the Brothertown Scholarship Fund:

Click Here for Info

Click Here for More Info

Click Here for Local Directory

Give Cole Campbell even more support  in his fight against Leukemia (Click Here for the GoFundMe page)!  MPS Band teacher, Christine Goux is heading up a wristband order from which all proceeds will benefit Cole and his family. Wristbands are $2 each, and can be ordered by texting: 315-404-1563 or emailing:  Payment can be made over venmo: Christine Goux


Last week ended covered in what would be a beautiful winter scene in December. While people still admitted it was beautiful, they were also relieved when it melted off by afternoon. Sunday repeated the same trend just on a slightly warmer level.

The MPS Positivity Project has continued to spread joy in their own unique ways and to meet online, as is the current way of life. Best of all, they're not the only ones!
Photos: MPS Positivity Project

Also spreading joy... flamingos have been popping up at homes and businesses, and then sometimes moving on to other things... More flamingos and sunny photos to come. We'll be spending the rest of the afternoon soaking it in!

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