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Thursday, July 22



-Village of Waterville-

-Waterville Public Library-

-Waterville Central School-



Wednesday evening the Local Favorites took to the Bandstand for another Wednesday Summer Bandstand Concert! A burst of rain came through streaks of sunshine just as the concert began, but quickly disappeared for a comfortable evening out.

Earlier in the day, dinner was served! The Class of 2022 held a Brooks' BBQ fundraiser outside the Waterville Public Library. The smell of BBQ chicken cooking all day certainly brought out a crowd! Additionally, the Class of '22 had a Nickleback Redemption truck for cans and bottles, plus a great assortment of raffle baskets.

The annual Summer Rec & WPL Recyclable Challenge also took place on Wednesday. This year, the kids used with collected items to create something to do with animals, coinciding with the Tails & Tales Summer Reading theme.  Their fantastic creations included a friendly T-Rex, Unicorn, Giraffe, and 4 Animal Rescue Centers!

From The Waterville Central School District:
"This week at MPS Summer '21 Program, Ms. Hinderling, the new MPS Principal, is reading If You Give A Moose A Muffin by Laura Joffe Numeroff. This week's theme is Food & Nutrition."

Route20Catholic has been hosting Totus Tuus, a week long Catholic Youth Summer Camp. The Day Program, taking place at St. Bernard's, featured a special tour of the church led by Fr. Hage.

From the Waterville Volunteer Fire Department:
Radio communication and following direction are key skills to master to operate safely as a fireman. WFD crews teamed up and put together Legos sets to practice these skills. Two crews read directions over the radio to other crews putting together the Legos. Great team building!!

Meanwhile, Tuesday night Waterville First held another Community Meeting for Cruisin' Into Waterville and the 150th Celebration! More details to come, but you can look forward to all your Cruisin' favorites PLUS a great evening of entertainment as a grand finale on Saturday! If you'd like to volunteer, either in advance or the day of, call Belfield Insurance at (315) 841-4859

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