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Thursday, July 29


Dr. Gino A. Trevisani, MD

June 18, 1932 - July 28, 2021

Click here for full obituary



-Village of Waterville-

-Waterville Public Library-

-Waterville Central School-


WCSD Fall Sports Update

FamilyID will open for registration for Fall Sports on Sunday, August 1. 
A link will be pushed out via ParentSquare.
If you are in need of an updated physical, appointments will be available on Tuesday, August 10 at the Jr./Sr. High School. Please contact Ms. Fancett, Athletic Director's Secretary to schedule an appointment. Ms. Fancett can be reached at or (315) 841-3808. 
Updated physicals can be emailed to Mrs. Kane, school nurse at 
or faxed to (315) 841-3813. 

Tackle and Cheer Practices will start Monday August 2nd from 530pm to 8pm at Memorial Park School (behind bus garage). Please bring $60 per child for registration fee and any paperwork that you still may have. Flag practice will start the following Monday same time.

More Details Coming Soon from the Waterville United Methodist Church on Vacation Bible School! 
Open to all area children August 16-20 from 6-8 pm


Waterville Central School District (7/28)

The Utica Zoomobile visited our third, fourth, and fifth grade classes today during our MPS Summer '21 Program.

Waterville Volunteer Fire Department (7/28)

Tonight we hosted a jaws of life training with Oriskany Falls, and Madison. Training was led by Holmatro professional trainer Mitch Goldberg from Colden Enterprises. Working together with other local Fire Departments helps us improve our skills and work as teams
to save life’s throughout our extended communities.
If you would like to learn more about joining any of our local departments please send us a pm!
Thanks to Main Street Auto, Alex White for donating the cars

Waterville Minor League Baseball

Great Job Waterville Purple Tee Ballers and Coaches! I hope you had lots of fun learning about the sport of baseball and hope to see you all next year. (Photos shared by team parents)

Matt Chase and Thunder Canyon performed Wednesday evening at the Bandstand
with not a drop of rain, but plenty of dancing and applause.

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