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Wednesday, November 4



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While we all wait for results from the 2020 election, we've had a bit of fun looking back at other recent election years!

In 2008, the Waterville Eagle Junior Midgets won the Tri-Valley Division 3 Title over Frankfort 31-0.

The Bandstand was being built in the park.

Speaking of bands, the Music Boosters brought the United States Air Force Band of Liberty in for a performance thanks to Waterville's own Blair Raker performing among them.

Matt Jurczak had a 103 pumpkin display up. What a tradition these pumpkins have grown to be!

In 2012, we experienced some similar early snow and melting. Flip's Bailey Lake Road photos looked frosted.

It was also the year of The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon, compliments of the WCS Drama Club!


In 2016, Babbott Field was seeing the completion of the bathrooms. How quickly we have all grown used to the fantastic updates there.

Now, in 2020, we're in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, a lot of the usual fundraiser and events Waterville is used to have taken on new twists to accommodate that pandemic, as well as a semi-remote school experience for WCSD and plenty of other changes is a well-fueled election year.  But many of the same buildings and homes still stand, and beautifully so; the community is rallying to support one another in new ways; and snow before Election Day remains pretty common. We'll see you Friday, when temperatures are in the 60s allowing for Outdoor Movie Night. Mark your calendar for Chicken Riggies, Stargazing, the Clothing Give-Away, and more!

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