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Friday, June 28




The Waterville Jr/Sr High Marching Band, Jazz Band, and Swing Choir will head to Washington D.C. next week to perform after many months of preparation and fundraising. You can catch Marching Band on Facebook Live in the Independence Day Parade.  Jazz Band & Swing Choir will perform at the Jefferson Memorial.  Thank you for supporting the Ice Cream Social, Pancake Breakfast, Chicken BBQ, Mum Sale, Bottle Drive, Chef Pierre Pie Sale...let alone their concerts and practices...  Students will also have to opportunity to visit the National Archives Building, multiple Memorials, the National Mall, some of the Smithsonian, Arlington, and more.

Last night, the Waterville Public Library hosted the 7th Annual Summer Solstice Party, which started in 2013 with the dedication of the Barton-Brown Observatory. Pictured below is the former wonder-blogger of Waterville cutting the ribbon in honor. This year in her honor Roc-Star ice cream was served free to all thanks to her loving family.  Any Ol' Time Story Swap folks might remember a good deal of hot fudge sundaes that were enjoyed regularly at meetings, so this seemed extra fitting!


The 2019 party also featured the Looney Lunar Magic Show, and music by the talented, local Nick Piccininni. Catch Nick again at the Village Bandstand on July 24th.

Plus, plenty of friendly, familiar faces from around the Village- including Moose, games, and stargazing at dark with the Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society.

Don't Forget:

Blog Vacation July 3-5. Send items for the week by Monday, July 1!

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