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Friday, June 21





The Senior Class of 2019's weekend has arrived! Baccalaureate is tonight at 6 pm at St. Bernard's Church. Followed by Graduation on Saturday, June 22 at 10;30 am.
The following are some of the Seniors that friends and family members have been sending celebratory messages to in this week leading up to graduation. 
Congratulations and the best for bright futures to all!


Last night, Thursday, June 20th, the Waterville Rotary Club and guests held their changing of the guard, and marked the end of a successful year for President Royce Rogers.  He was presented a past president's pin and plaque by past president Frank Pudney.

Followed by Mike Sturr, who gave his inaugural address as 2019-2020 President.
The Club is looking forward to the next year and participating in many new and ongoing local service projects.


The WCS Kindergarten class ended up with beautiful weather to walk to the Waterville Public Library for a field trip as well as a family picnic.

After a small performance, the Betty Jo Williams Memorial Penmanship Award was presented to Weston Pryputniewicz.

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