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Friday, March 24





Happy Birthday (Sunday) to Terry Tanner!


Utica's St. Patrick's Day Parade is Rescheduled for this Sat. March 25th

Tween Craft Night at the Waterville Public Library
Kids in grades 4-7 | Sign Up at the library or send us a message
Kids can enjoy pizza, snacks and a craft!
The March project is a clothespin picture frame.



In place of the Firemen's Field Days this year, support your local Fire Department through these fundraisers.

* Hole sponsors needed




Don't miss the WCS High School Musical, 9-5, this weekend.  Their opening night was last night (Thursday), and everyone is reporting great things!  Pardon the slightly blurry glimpses of their headshots... consider it a reason to get there and see the real deal.  The cast and crew, and their supporters, have worked immensely hard.

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