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Wednesday, July 29


Click Here for the Latest from Governor Cuomo
Click Here for the Latest from the CDC
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor
Click Here for the NYS Park Department
Click Here for the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the Madison County COVID-19 Dashboard 

Milk Drop
Today, Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Waterville Jr/Sr High
4-6 pm
Limit 2 per Car

ColeStrong#18 Shirts are available in support as well


A well attended, streamed presentation and meeting, the WCS Board of Education met via zoom and streamed (after tech issues) on YouTube. Including a presentation by Maureen Gray on the updated Reopening Plan that will be submitted to the state. *Please note this is not final. 
As families prepare for back to school, many tuned in. We highly recommend listening and watching the presentation, as the care that went into this plan is quite evident. 
Not all slides are included below, but these give you an idea of what the district is submitting (again, information best received with the audio).
& 1st part of of the Board of Ed. meeting open to the public.
After an executive session, the meeting continued HERE

Thank you to all who put a great deal of thought and hours into this whole-person approach!

We saved the best for last. With good faith in the community to do their part, the Concerts at the Bandstand are back for the second half of summer with some of your annual favorites! Like all other public spaces, please be sure to wear your mask while getting seated and be sure your seating is properly distanced.  Photos of previous summers

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