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Monday, July 13


Helene E. Putnam
August 22, 1935 - July 10, 2020


Click Here for the Latest from Governor Cuomo
Click Here for the Latest from the CDC
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor
Click Here for the NYS Park Department
Click Here for the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the Madison County COVID-19 Dashboard

The Waterville CSD campuses are ONLY open for essential school business. Therefore, our sports fields, Fitness Center, playground, and tennis courts remained closed until further notice.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


One way to know it's mid July, New York Pizzeria is on vacation! Once upon a time this coincided with the Waterville Field Days as well. In good news, Mario's is back open, so you were never left without the ability to get a local slice.

The planters on Main are overflowing in the most lovely, mid-summer manner!
Fun to see an open view above Sticks N Stones

Plus, all of the other ever-expanding and flourish gardens all around.
Babbott Ave South
WPL Lally Gardens

WPL Lally Gardens

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