Voter Ballot Deadline For School Budget Votes and Board Election Extended
Governor Andrew Cuomo released an Executive Order today extending the deadline for absentee ballots to be received by school districts. Under the new order, ballots hand-delivered by 5 pm on June 9th and received by mail through June 16th will be counted. The order states that “No ballots for such election shall be accepted by the clerk of the school district or designee of the trustees or school board after 5 p.m. on June 9, 2020, except those received by mail in accordance with this provision. Any receptacle used for hand delivery of absentee ballots in such election shall be closed and removed at 5 p.m. on June 9, 2020; The ballots therein shall remain unopened pending delivery of mailed ballots, and shall be removed and canvassed after 5 p.m. on June 16, 2020.
You will receive a BROWN envelope that contains
- A double sided paper ballot
- A BROWN ballot envelope
- A white self addressed stamped envelope
Remove all items.
Make your selections on the paper ballot (BOTH SIDES) fold and place in the BROWN ballot Envelope.
Complete the front on the BROWN ballot envelope- Turn over and SIGN the back.
Tri-Fold the BROWN ballot envelope and place in the WHITE return Envelope.
Seal the WHITE envelope and MAIL
Contact the District Clerk at 315-841-3915 or
The amount of the ballot for CW Clark Memorial Library should read 65,644 NOT 99,332. The library has no tax levy increase.
Schools will be permitted to hold drive-in and drive-through graduation ceremonies this year; the Department of Health released interim guidance for these ceremonies.
Medical schools statewide will be allowed to reopen on June 22nd.
Summer day camps statewide can open on June 29, and a decision on sleep-away camps will be made in the coming weeks.
Outdoor dining at restaurants will be permitted in the seven regions currently in phase two of reopening starting June 4th
Senior Spotlights: Casey Orendorff, Anna Simmons, Jaxon Sonia
Over 60 dresses are available, donated and free, some worn once.
Stop by the Catholic Church building next to St. Joseph's Church in Oriskany Falls, any day 1-3 pm or by appointment.
Another celebratory addition to Main Street!
Cool air slowly blew into the area throughout the day Saturday.
Saturday morning's warmth and humidity brought several snapping turtles out of the swamp along Madison Street, and other local waterways. This tends to be the season they're seen crossing roads locally, so be on the lookout
The more regularly seen greeters of Osborne Ave
If you're getting in your Monday Mile, encouraged by MPS, there are plenty of updates to landscaping and homes to check out and enjoy.
The Hub of the Huddle is a publication of the Waterville Public Library and so has moved to the Waterville Public Library website. Click HERE for current blog posts.
- WEATHER - - COVID-19 UPDATES & IN THE MAIL - All Information Subject to Change- especially as change is happening so quickly to help protect the health everyone. Click Here for the latest from the CDC Click Here for the latest from Governor Cuomo "Realize the timeframe we're expecting, make peace with it and find a way to help each other through this situation because it's hard for everyone." Click Here for Guidelines for Essential Services Click Here for today's update from the Mohawk Valley Health System Click Here for TED Talks surrounding COVID-19 From the Sr. High Student Council: While social distancing is being encouraged, Sr. High Student Council would like to promote a little self-care through a wellness bingo challenge. Bingo boards were handed out to all 7-12 students when they picked up their Chromebooks, and sent to all student emails. Completed bingo boards can be returned to the Jr./Sr. High Schoo...