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Monday, June 1

Ballots Must Be Received in the District by 5 pm June 9 to be Counted

You will receive a BROWN envelope that contains
- A double sided paper ballot
- A BROWN ballot envelope
- A white self addressed stamped envelope
Remove all items. 
Make your selections on the paper ballot (BOTH SIDES) fold and place in the BROWN ballot Envelope.
Complete the front on the BROWN ballot envelope- Turn over and SIGN the back.
Tri-Fold the BROWN ballot envelope and place in the WHITE return Envelope.
Seal the WHITE envelope and MAIL
Contact the District Clerk at 315-841-3915 or

Dale Champion
October 19, 1940 - May 29, 2020



Offices; Real Estate; Essential and Phase II In-Store Retail; Vehicle Sales, Leases, and Rentals;
Retail Rental, Repair, and Cleaning; Commercial Building Management; 
Hair Salons & Barbershops
Click Here for the Latest from the CDC
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor
Click Here for the NYS Park Department
Click Here for the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the Madison County COVID-19 Dashboard

Pre sale tickets will be available at The Deansboro Superette beginning Monday June 1st $10each

Board of Education Meeting Schedule, updated as follows:
Tuesday, June 2, 2020: Budget Public Hearing at 5 pm
(Meeting immediately to follow)
Meetings will be broadcast for public viewing.

Jr/Sr High Announcements June 1
Senior Spotlights: Garrett Bramer, Ryan Morris, and Dylan Williams

The first weekend of June is normally a big one for marching band families, as they head to the Sherburne Pageant of the Bands. This year you can follow along on their Facebook
"Sherburne-Earlville is proud to present a weeklong "Virtual Parade" featuring images from seven decades of The Sherburne Pageant of Bands. This journey through time begins later today with images from the 1950s and 1960s and will end Saturday, June 6, with a compilation video."


Check out the Waterville Central School Facebook Page for recognition each day of each of the 58 6th Graders who ended their time at MPS during the COVID-19 closure, and will move up to the Jr High building. Sixth Grade families can order their sweatshirts up until June 7th HERE


Waterville speaks for itself right now.
We hope you can take a stroll with your own cameras and capture these faces special to you.
This is the North side of Main St, as the DPW worked diligently to hang the rest on the South side.
Congratulations to the Class of 2020 is extended from the WCS Faculty & Staff.

The Waterville area had already had a bit of excitement over the weekend as flamingos appeared overnight at homes, on Main St, and welcoming businesses. Throughout the last couple of months this was one more way that joy had been shared through the area. While the "Flamingo Bandits" had been on a bit of a break, they finished May with quite the flock!

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