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Friday, June 4

Ballots Must Be Received in the District by 5 pm June 9 to be Counted
You will receive a BROWN envelope that contains
- A double sided paper ballot
- A BROWN ballot envelope
- A white self addressed stamped envelope
Remove all items. 
Make your selections on the paper ballot (BOTH SIDES) fold and place in the BROWN ballot Envelope.
Complete the front on the BROWN ballot envelope- Turn over and SIGN the back.
Tri-Fold the BROWN ballot envelope and place in the WHITE return Envelope.
Seal the WHITE envelope and MAIL
Contact the District Clerk at 315-841-3915 or

Offices; Real Estate; Essential and Phase II In-Store Retail; Vehicle Sales, Leases, and Rentals;
Retail Rental, Repair, and Cleaning; Commercial Building Management; 
Hair Salons & Barbershops
Click Here for the Latest from Governor Cuomo
Including :Recent Updates
  • Schools will be permitted to hold drive-in and drive-through graduation ceremonies this year; the Department of Health released interim guidance for these ceremonies.

  • Medical schools statewide will be allowed to reopen on June 22nd.

  • Summer day camps statewide can open on June 29, and a decision on sleep-away camps will be made in the coming weeks.

  • Outdoor dining at restaurants will be permitted in the seven regions currently in phase two of reopening starting June 4th

Click Here for the Latest from the CDC
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor
Click Here for the NYS Park Department
Click Here for the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the Madison County COVID-19 Dashboard

Pre sale tickets will be available at The Deansboro Superette beginning Monday June 1st $10 each

Farmer's Markets are up and running!
Click Here for more Info

Click Here for more Info

Click Here for more Info

It's the first weekend of June, which typically means the Sherburne Pageant of Bands and Ice Cream Social. You can still follow along with some of the history and photographs on Facebook Here

Check out the Waterville Central School Facebook Page for recognition each day of each of the 58 6th Graders who ended their time at MPS during the COVID-19 closure, and will move up to the Jr High building. Sixth Grade families can order their sweatshirts up until June 7th HERE

Senior Highlights: Paul Brouillette, Cheyene Drake, and Skyler Dwyer  

Senior Highlights: Jeremy Lakata, Justin Henty, Cyle Herrington

Over 60 dresses are available, donated and free, some worn once. 
Stop by the Catholic Church building next to St. Joseph's Church in Oriskany Falls, any day 1-3 pm or by appointment.


From the Brothertown Optimist Club:
Congratulations to our April, May and June Brothertown Optimist Club Youth of the Month! We normally have our Youth of the Month and their family come to our monthly meeting to be honored. Unfortunately, that was not possible due to COVID-19. Instead we all loaded up in our cars this evening and went to each of their houses. Like all of our meetings, Larry Stockwell talked about all of their wonderfull accomplishments and activities they are involved in, presented them with their plaque and a one year subscription to The Waterville Times so they will have a little part of home when they are away at college. In addition, we also gave them a YOM Optimist lawn sign. Congratulations!
Brothertown Optimist Youth of the Month for April 2020, Brooke Wilson

Brothertown Optimist Youth of the Month for May 2020, Austin Hutchins

Brothertown Optimist Youth of the Month for June 2020, Paul Brouillette

From Mary Rose Florist:
We stilll have Free masks available made with love
NEW-Breast Cancer masks for $5.00!
ALL Proceeds will go to a mother of 3 with stage 4 breast cancer.
She is a family member of the Browning family who has generously donated the free masks to the community

If you slow down, you can catch sight of the herons who have returned to Madison Street.
It's that time of year the countryside celebrates in Purple and Gold as well.
Hoping you can enjoy the weekend! Don't forget to mail in your vote if you haven't already! They're due Tuesday, June 9th.

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