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Wednesday, March 4


Gary M. Allen
August 2, 1938 - March 2, 2020




Gas & Milk:

Photo: Waterville Central School District
"One of our traditions at Waterville Jr./Sr. High School is offering a musical "preview" to our elementary students! Here they are, learning a little about the show, Spamalot, from our director, Mrs. Lotyczewski, before enjoying the first act."

Photo: MPS PTA
Along with Musical excitement at both MPS and the Jr/Sr High, MPS has been participating in PARP (Pick A Reading Partner), with the goal of encouraging 20 minutes or more of reading and an excitement around book. Students turned in light bulbs for each night of reading, and reached their goal of over 20,000 minutes.  That meant that Author Christina Wall and her pig, Ellie, from her Ellie the Pig series, got to visit. Plus, not only did Principal Mrs. Gray have the pleasure of meeting Ellie, but she also had the honor of giving her a great big kiss.
Photo: MPS PTA
Photo: MPS PTA
Photo: MPS PTA

Meanwhile, it looks like...March in CNY... Sunshine one minute, snow the next. The snowbanks are coated in sand and mud, but the sidewalks are clear- at least on the sunny side of the street. Flashes of colorful flowers and Irish green are replacing the winter home decor.  
The loop at Babbott Park is in great condition for those with the itch to get out (1 loop = 1/4 mile).

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