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Monday, March 30


All Information Subject to Change- especially as change is happening so quickly to help protect the health everyone.

NY Pause was updated to include an extension for nonessential workers to work from home and schools to remain closed until April 15th.
Click Here for more from Governor Cuomo See Below for the Updated NY Pause

Click Here for more on the national Social Distancing Extension until April 30th from President Trump
Click Here for the latest from the CDC
Click Here for the latest from the World Health Organization
Click Here for the NYS Department of Labor

Click Here for the CARES Act

Yesterday the WCS teachers announced to be on the lookout starting at 2 pm in Waterville, and then the following WCSD areas, as they planned a parade that would allow everyone to stay far enough apart while still connecting. The internet provides a lot of opportunity, but seeing faces is a whole different experience (especially when you miss them).

Meanwhile, businesses continue to flex and adapt. If you're unsure of how they're proceeding, all are well posted and just a phone call away.

With deliveries being stopped in upcoming weeks, Johnny's China Cafe will serve it's last day tomorrow, Tuesday, March 31, until deliveries are back up and running (and so can they be).
Menu Below:

Sticks n' Stones

Waterville Standard Bakery To Go

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