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Wednesday, October 2




Gas & Milk:

Photo: Brothertown Optimist Club
The Brothertown Optimist Club starts their New Year in October. At their yearly Installation Dinner in September this photo with the 8 original charter members was taken. The Brothetown Optimist Club received it's charter on December 18, 1985.


Tuesday evening, new author Abiri Woods (WCS 3rd grader) held her first reading and reception for her book Puppy Dog Adventures, which she wrote and illustrated. 

MPS held "Matter Meeting" today for the Positivity Project, honoring these classes for using utilizing their character strengths, including teamwork and curiosity.
Photos: Waterville Central School District

Brothertown Road looking East over the hillside and Route 20. The location of the proposed Solar Panel Farm that was presented at a public hearing to the Sangerfield Zoning Board recently. Voting is expected at a future meeting, October 22nd. 

Further up Brothertown Rd, reconstruction is taking place after the fire that took place in March (most importantly, all of the inhabitants were safe). May the new home be a happy one!
March 2019

Down Route 20, Alcott's is a sunny place on a rainy day with their Fall Sale going on.

Madison Street heading back into town

Bogan Road

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