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Friday, October 4



You are eligible for this offer if you receive SNAP or WIC, or have kids in Head Start or who receive free or reduced lunch. There are several local stores that offer the tour including Commercial Drive Hannaford on October 16 at 10:00 am and at 1:00 pm. Sign up at


Photo: Brothertown Optmist Club
Congratulations to the Brothertown Optimist Club's October Youth of the Month, Anna Beach!

Photo: Brothertown Optmist Club
Also Congratulations to someone known quite well as an Optmist, Brian Bogan, who was the 2019 Joseph R. Carucci Legacy Award by the Genesis Group

Photo: Kelly Machold
The Waterville Cross Country Team raced Wednesday afternoon, after the temperature dropped. The previous rain provided a wet and muddy course.

Quite the temperature drop for the end of the week, from humid 70s to 40s. As well as the first frost expected this evening into Saturday morning. The shift from summery-autumn to October autumn can be seen and felt around town!

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