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Monday, September 30


Rodney E. "Joe" Buell, Jr.
May 22, 1953 - September 26, 2019




Waterville Public Library:

Waterville Central School District:

WCS Sports:



The hail that came with the September 26th, storm seems to have caught a lot of people's attention, as plenty of great pictures are around.  These came from Andrew at Michael's Fine Food, where it's enough to look like snow!

Over the weekend the weather improved, and the Barton Hose Company, in Deansboro, received new gear to help keep the firefighters safe while doing their job.

From the Barton Hose Company:
Today the members of The Barton Hose Company received their new gear. Thank you to the Barton Fund for their generous contribution to this project. It cost in excess of $3000.00 to outfit each firefighter with new gear.
Why new gear you may ask - NFPA specifies that the firefighter protective ensemble must be retired from service no more than 10 years from the date the ensemble was manufactured, not the date it was placed in service.

The Game of Tiaras, performed by the WCS Drama Club, received rave reviews!


Saturday, the Cross Country teams ran the E.J. Herman race at Proctor Park
Click Here for Results from Leone Timing
Photos Kelly Machold

Saturday Varsity Football (0) vs. Dolgeville (28)
Photo @WatervilleJSHS


Sunday Pop Warner Football Home Game
Photos: Jenna Marie for Wateville Pop Warner

Autumn along Stafford Ave, Route 12.

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