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Monday, March 12


Infant Death in Town of Marshall





Waterville Public Library:

Waterville Central School:


The WCS Girls Basketball season came to an end on Saturday with a 58-42 loss against Edward Knox for the Class D Regional Title.  

While no one, especially the team, wanted to see their season end. Messages quickly began to flood social media with how much pride over the girls' hard work and success has filled the village.  Congratulations on a fantastic season ladies!





Congratulations to Rachael Scoones, the March 2018 Optimist Youth of the Month


Congratulations to the Waterville 6th Grade Boys Biddy Basketball Team, who took 1st place during the weekend tournament.


Sunday, Nelson Blau was honored and memorialized in Deansboro
Photo Barton Hose Company


Since we would love an encore, we're finishing with great Congratulations to the Cast & Crew (and support) of The Wiz! Another piece of Waterville pride.  We are compiling pictures to share with permissions.  If you have any to add that can help us document this great show, please send them to 

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