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Friday, March 30


Rain has brought flooding to some local areas


"Waterville Marine Surprises Family with Early Homecoming"



Waterville Baptist Church: 10 am Breakfast; 11 am Service
Waterville Methodist Church: 11 am Service
St. Bernard's Catholic Church see below



These WCS students were selected based on applications to visit the Rome Labs Science and Technology Department to explore various careers and opportunities. 

Wednesday Night the community came out to support Ella Ryan with a massive Bake Sale & Raffle!
Thanks to Sheila Zombek for allowing us to share her photos (and her organizational skills)

Crowds, cheers, and smiles came out for the Faculty Basketball Tournament to benefit the WCS Art Club Thursday night.


Easter Egg Hunt's Past:


In preparation for this year... bring your boots! However the sun is predicted to shine!

For perspective:
March 31, 2017:

April 3, 2017

April 4, 2016:


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