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Friday, May 26


Beverly E. Furness
November 10, 1932 - May 23, 2017
Click Here for Full Obituary




Memorial Day Weekend:
* No Post Monday, May 29th - Memorial Day *

Additional Memorial Day Info:

Waterville: Line up at 8:30 am.  
Call Tom McNamara to participate or for more information at 315-841-8018

Deansboro:  Kids are welcome to come to the Fire Station around 9 am to decorate their bike for the parade (which starts at 10:30).

Oriskany Falls: From Village Clerk Amber Bell, also note that "instead of the Legion offering hotdogs and hamburgers at the Legion, the Pride in the Community Committee/Fireworks over Oriskany Falls will be providing free hotdogs and refreshment right at the park for the kids that march in the parade. Division Street is still closed due to the unsafe structure of the Mill, so the route to the Legion would be to far for the kids to walk after they have been marching all day."


American Red Cross Blood Drive
Sat. June 3
8:30 - 1:30
Waterville Village Hall

Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society (MVAS) Meeting
Wed. June 14 @ 7:30 pm
Waterville Public Library, 206 White St, Waterville
Program: "Titan: From Sea to Eerie Sea"



Congratulations to  theWaterville Rotary Club's "Young Person of the Year" Jesse Jandreau!


More preparations for Memorial Day and Summer

Waterville First Shared this photo from the
MPS Honor Our Veterans Ceremony on Wednesday

* No Post on Monday. See above for parades and ceremonies *

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