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Wednesday, May 4



It May be a Special Day for Some...

Some creative soul wants you to watch out for the

Happy Birthday Matthew Tanner (Today)


Absolutely don't forget


From Katie Parker, WCS Librarian
Throughout the month of May and until the end of the school, members of the Waterville school community will be building Waterville-area landmarks at the Waterville Junior/Senior High School Library via a "Make It May" Lego Building Contest. 

In order to promote this event through the school, third graders honed their persuasive writing skills by designing and creating flyers after thoroughly examining flyers for previous library events and brainstorming ideas.

Librarian, Mrs. Parker and the third grade students list important information for the flyer.

Flyers from previous events that were carefully examined and used as models.

Third grade student, Michael Sturr carefully creates a flyer promoting the Lego Building contest.

The Circulating Flyer!

"Micaela LoConte is a 2012 graduate of Waterville.  We are so proud of her and all the hard work she has done to get accepted at Cornell.She graduates in two weeks with a double major of BioChemistry and Music from William Smith College."

Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society
Public Star Gazing
Sat. May 14
8:45 pm
Sherrill Brook Park
Rt 12 S, New Hartford
"Our night time telescopes will be on the basketball court dusk to....... to observe the awesome night sky, Jupiter and Saturn."




 With Prom Season upon us, local departments helped set up this 
Mock Accident at WCS.
Photos by MaryBeth Vandenbergh 



Story Hour is back!
Fridays @ 11 am
Casual story, snack, craft, and playtime for ages 4 & under

This Weekend

Next Weekend

Starting Again Next Month!


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