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Monday, May 2


Mary E. Wilson



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"Brian Bogan has sent this picture of Steamtown USA in Scranton, Pa. Two weeks ago he accompanied some distinguished civil war historians on a one week tour. In center of picture is Ed Bearss, chief historian for National Park Service1981-1994 and expert on Battle of Vicksburg. Ed was featured speaker at Civil War Roundtables in Binghamton and Reading during the trip.To Ed's right,Deb Conway of White St. Waterville who now runs the National Park at Steamtown in Scranton. Last year the group visited Fort Stanwix when Debbie was in charge there. To her right is Dean from Gettysburg who still lives on the family farm that was the extreme right flank for the Union army behind Culp's Hill at Battle of Gettysburg. To Ed Bearss'left is Stan Domosh of West Bacon St. Waterville. Stan invited me along and donated much of his Civil War book collection to Waterville Public Library including a complete set of O.R. (official records) for the Civil War if someone wants to do some serious research. finally to Stan's left is Wally from Reading, Pa. who at the age of 19 was the youngest guide to ever pass the Gettysburg test to become a park guide"









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We're pretty sure that half the town was here over the weekend (the other half seemed to be on vacation in sunny, warm locations thanks to School Spring Break):

Photos from Daniel Barden MudFest Facebook & Participants:


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