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Thursday, November 4


Betty Jean Johnson
May 3, 1938 - October 31, 2021
Click HERE for the complete obituary.


WEEK OF NOVEMBER 3 - 9, 2021

-Village of Waterville-

-Waterville Central School-

-Waterville Public Library-

-Waterville First-


The Route20Catholic Knights of Columbus sponsor a monthly Men’s Breakfast every first Saturday of the month. The meetings will include the recitation of the Most Holy Rosary, a delicious hot breakfast, and then a brief meeting to review upcoming service opportunities in the PCA. You do not have to join the Knights of Columbus to attend this Men’s Breakfast, but if you are interested in joining the Knights you can register here: The next Men’s Breakfast will take place on Saturday, November 6th at 7:30am at St. Bernard’s in Waterville. Please join us!
On Saturday, November 6 at 2 pm Waterville Historical Society will host a talk by Joan Shkane on the exhibition Fashioning Art from Paper, on view at Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute in Utica through January 9. The exhibit showcases masterpieces from 500 years of fashion history drawn from European paintings and collections, recreated in paper by Belgian artist Isabelle de Borchgrave. The series Papiers à la Mode highlights dresses worn by Madame de Pompadour, Marie-Antoinette, Elizabeth I, and Empress Eugenie. Splendor of the Medici captures the luxury of the Italian Renaissance in Florence. Kaftans features textiles of Asia and the Ottoman Empire traded along the Silk Road. Les Ballets Russes recreates vibrant costumes designed by Picasso and other modernist artists for the innovative Paris ballet company. The World of Mariano Fortuny pays homage to the famous designer's Grecian-inspired creations. Join us at 220 East Main Street, Waterville for an overview and introduction to this extraordinary exhibition. Free and open to the public; wheelchair accessible; refreshments.

Hey Waterville - are you ready for Parade of Lights information?
Here's what we have so far! Stay tuned as I'm sure they'll be sharing more information.
A special announcement from the WCS Music Department!
Coming in March 2022!


From: Waterville Central School District
2021 MPS Prize Speaking Competition which took place on Wednesday!
Pop Warner Cheer

From: North Brookfield Baptist Church
Exciting news from Karol Watkins! We are blessed to be part of this ministry.
We have waited so long for this day! Thank you Lord for answering our prayers!
We have our own building and with the help of friends from supporting churches,
we were able to get the lobby and auditorium gutted and now we’re ready to start
fixing it up. (Years ago, this building was an animal hospital which is why there is 
white tile all the way around this room.) Even though we haven’t put up new walls,
 ceiling or floors, it still looks better than where we were meeting! 
We are thankful to have more space! 

From: Barton Hose Company
Additional pics from the Deansboro Community 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat!

From: Village of Waterville
The first snowfall of the season!
A beautiful view walking out of the Waterville Public Library.

Blog Pics

The price of gas today.

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