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Monday, October 4


Suzette A. Walewski
April 7, 1946 - October 2, 2021

Jane Ellen Shipman
April 23, 1938 - September 30, 2021




-Village of Waterville-
-Waterville Central School-
-Waterville Public Library-


Register HERE for Halloween Science Experiments!

Hello Friends! Here's the Class of 1991 Official Reunion Invite. We apologize for the short-notice. We have been closely watching COVID numbers and have been given the green light to move forward. Please share with all classmates and school staff. Masks required for unvaccinated at the Football game, per school policy. Personal choice, with no judging at the Lodge! Hope to see you there!
Significant others included!

Register HERE for Pound Fitness Class!

Community members, organizations, and businesses are encouraged to join in the fun by creating a Trick-Or-Treat Station along the tail. Register Here:


From: Barton Hose Company

We want to give a huge shout out to our own Ryan Cook for completing
the CNY stair challenge on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  ‘you done good’

From: Waterville Residential Care Center
Welcome October 2021! Today we enjoyed apple pie made by our very own
 "cooking group" along with drinks and October trivia for this week's happy hour!

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