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Monday, June 7




Waterville Central School District:

Waterville Public Library:

Greater Waterville Area:


Click Here for Vaccine Information
Click Here for NYS Updates
Click Here for the COVID Report Card
Click Here for the CDC
Click Here for the Oneida County COVID-19 Dashboard
Click Here for the Madison County COVID-19 Dashboard

Dear community members: At this time, this communication is written to clarify that there has not been any official legal change in the mask mandate from the New York State Education Department, New York State Department of Health or Governor Cuomo. The June 4th letter by Health Commissioner Zucker reported by the media on Friday was written to the CDC to determine if the CDC has any objection to relaxing its mask mandate. However, unless and until written guidance or an Executive Order is issued by the State, all students, staff and visitors must wear masks while on school property. We recognize that the temperature is going to rise this week and we shall adjust the physical education curriculum and recess for students accordingly.

If we receive direction from the State that changes the mask wearing requirements at school, we will promptly communicate the change to our staff, students and parents. Thank you for your continued patience with this difficult school year.  We are almost to the end of the school year with fifteen days remaining. 

Waterville CSD Prom Coronation 2021

Extended Congratulations to the Varsity Golf team, Section III Champions!

Photo: Waterville Sports Boosters


More Great History from Louis Langone:
61 years ago today, June 7, 1960, the WFD moved from there Whites St. firehouse (located where Frontier Bld. is now) to their new firehouse on Main St. (located where Serene Touch Salon & Skeele Ins. is now). The White St. firehouse was built in 1872 & had the bay area on the 1st floor the meeting room on the 2nd floor and the community lockup, 2 cells in the cellar. It also had a bell on the roof to signal a fire before sirens, this same bell now sits next to our current firehouse. The new firehouse was the former A.J. Yonkers Ford garage, had 6 bays in the front of the building and the meeting room and kitchen in the rear of the building.

Speaking of history, this marker went up on Route 20 mid-May

En route we noticed some more festive mid-May - July décor.
With the end of the school year ever nearing, the biggest increase of organized activities in over a year, and the summer-like heat moving in, July will certainly be here before we know it!

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