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Wednesday, April 24




Th Oriskany Falls Rotary will be holding its annual Adopt A Highway Road Clean Up to celebrate Earthday on Wednesday, April 24, We are meeting at the Oriskany Falls Fire Hall at 5 PM for instructions, hardhats and vests. The route runs from the Village sign on Rt 12b & Rt26 to the corner of Rt 20. It is a 2 mile stretch, and help is always needed. Afterwords we will have pizza and fellowship at the firehall.


Gas & Milk:

Under Tuesday's warm, sunny skies, the Waterville DPW spent some time getting Babbott Park into shape and the bathrooms open.

Memorial Park School extended their thanks to secretaries  Mrs. Brennan, Mrs. Evans, and Mrs. Bruno!
Photos @MemPositivity 

BOCES took a trip to the Baille Lumber Sawmill & Kiln Yard
Photos @watervillesupt


The intermittent days of warm weather have blooms coming along. May the April rain bring not only more May flowers, but great MudFest weather too!

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