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Monday, December 3


Helen E. Morgan
May 28, 1924 - November 29, 2018


Click each picture for link 


Waterville Public Library:

Waterville Central School District:

WCS Sports:


Support the participants: Olivia Tsardakas, Lilly Freytag, Jalen Getchonis, John Brouillette, Alivia Zombek, Brooke Williams, Naya Leslie, Rocco Padula, Rhaine Vore Mosher, Abigail Wratten, Cassidy Welch, and Kelsey Morris



The Waterville Historical Society hosted their Annual Victorian Tea over the weekend with beautiful settings and delicacies, festive attire, a chalking demonstration by Ashley Caraher, and many smiles.
Photos: Mabel Silliman

You can still stop into the Historical Society for local gifts during their Wednesday hours (10-4) & Saturday (10-2):
Photos: Waterville Historical Society

The new solar-powered speed radar sign on Madison Street has been seeing substantial use entering into the school zone.

While the recent rain and warm temperatures wash away the previous snow, the area has lost the fresh "White Christmas" feel. However, there are still plenty of decorations to admire. Although, we're hoping for that white backdrop to return for future photos- especially by the Garden Club's December 13th judging.

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