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Friday, October 26


Frank Pantola
November 20, 1927 - October 24, 2018
Click Here for Full Obituary





The Waterville Music Department 2019 Musical was announced!

The Waterville JSHS is open from 5-7pm for walkers, Monday through Friday when school is in session for people interested in walking. Please bring dry sneakers/shoes.

Click Here for Link to Photo Album of Items to be Auctioned



Thursday, the monument of Aaron Stafford was placed back at his former residence on Stafford Avenue. This was in great thanks to the Village Historical Society, the Village DPW, and current homeowner Mark Barnes. See more history on the monument below.
Photos: Mark Barnes

A bit of History compliments of Philippa Brown
"A Toast to these two 'treasure hunters,' Minford 'Pete' Peterson (I.) and Sydney Erickson who, forging a path through the then 'dense wilderness' between Stafford Avenue and the 'new' knitting mill, some time in the 1970s, came across the monument and demanded that the 'village crew' - Jack Youngs, Dave Barney, and ?? - go in there and get the pieces out right away!  The three sections were kept behind the old Village Hall, on White Street until the Village barn was built and then the monument was taken there to be stored until someone figure out what to do with it!"


Happy Birthday to the Waterville Public Library Director, Jeff Reynolds, who was serenaded by the Story Hour kids today.

Thursday morning greeted us with a coating of snow.

Friday morning, still a bit frosty, brought a colorful sunrise that slowly began melting the remaining snow.


Waterville Students visited Hamilton College for United Nations Day on Wednesday

Meanwhile, FFA members have been attending the 91st National Convention in Indianapolis

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