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Monday, April 16



Congratulations to Clinton on earning the title of Hockeyville USA!

Click photo for more information from Wikipedia




Waterville Public Library:

Waterville Central School District:

WCS Sports:

 Don't Forget!



From the Brothertown Optimist Club, it's Scholarship Time of Year:
Click to Enlarge


Village Board Meeting
Monday, April 16th @ 7pm
From Trustee Nichols: Reminder, Village Board meeting tonight at 7 PM at the Village Hall. The agenda will include an update on our clean energy certification process and ideas for the NYSERDA $50,000 grant application, a review of the regional shared services meeting held last Saturday, sharing my recent public poll results, and and asking some questions about multiple codes violations in town to try and enforce some deadlines for resolution.

This Sunday, April 22nd is Earth Day. St. Bernard's will have "Earth Bombs" available just inside the main entrance to the church after each Mass on Saturday and Sunday. Each bomb is a clay ball wrapped around some soil and wildflower seeds...ready to toss (No throwing inside the house please!). So be sure to grab a per person please

Click to Enlarge



The Daniel Barden Mud Fest ended up with one of the nicest weather days in recent weeks, which wasn't saying much.  Participants showed their strength both physically and mentally on the course, all with great smiles, and seemed incredibly glad for the warm water hoses to clean up afterwards.  

Kids Run (photos from multiple heats)

The MPS Marching Band held their Bottle/Can Drive on Sunday.  They filled up the truck in just over an hour! You can continue to support them by dropping bottles and cans off at Nickleback Redemption over the next few days and mentioning the cause.  You can then start saving up for the Brothertown Music Boosters Bottle Drive coming up on Saturday, April 28th. 

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