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Monday, October 2





Waterville Food Pantry:

Waterville Public Library:

Waterville Central School:

WCS Sports:
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Weekend Sports Round Ups from the O.D.
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Monday, October 2nd
6:30 pm
MPS Teacher Lounge



You'll spy a few familiar faces of the NY Junior Dairy Leaders in Wisconsin at Milk Source, LLC.


The Waterville XC Team competed in the well established E.J. Herrmann Invitational throughout Proctor Park on Saturday.  
Click Photos for link to full O.D. Photo Gallery


The Waterville Historical Society Hop Dig & Harvest Festival
Thanks to everyone that came out last night to support our second annual Hop Dig celebration! Thanks to Michael's Fine Food & Spirits for providing all the delicious food and Roc-Star Ice Cream for their special edition hop ice cream! Thanks to the Corbin Family Hip Hops Farm for sharing their story with us.

Meanwhile, the start of October brought on a couple of frosty mornings and more typical Autumn weather as well.

While there are reports of the northern part of the state being at or near peak, many traveling locals are reporting that the trees seem to be between changing- either fallen leaves or green.  So maybe a chance to still get a glimpse.  Locally a few trees are leading the way, but there is still quite a bit of green.

Send in your favorite Fall pictures this season to or message Hub of the Huddle on Facebook.

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