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Friday, August 4


Scott W. Bishopp
Click Here for Full Obituary





Ruth Allen Memorial Run/Walk

Registration Deadline August 15:




Wednesday Night was filled with entertainment in the park once again.  The Band, Elevator, had the crowd crooning to many popular "oldie" hits.  "Paradise Treats" food truck joined to provide some dinner treats while the Tarboxes continued to keep the crowd happy with snacks and dessert.  Stop by next Wednesday, August 9th, to see The Nelson Brothers from 6:30-8:30 pm.


From Gil Condon (passed on from the original blogger, Philippa Brown):
"Our WCS Classes of 53 and 54 got together and, although small, I consider a success.  I'm hoping that the Hub link could help achieve follow-on connections.  I would like to communicate with former classmates (before and after my own) via email.
Get in touch here,
and enjoy these great reunion photos!

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