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Wednesday, October 19



Congratulations to the WCS Boys Varsity Soccer Team on their 5-4 win over Notre Dame last night.  This sends them to Section III play against Cooperstown on Fri. Oct. 21 @ 3 pm in Cooperstown.
From Mid-York Sports Report



In your upcoming shopping trips, keep in mind that
The Boys Scouts will be Picking Up Food Donations for the Waterville Food Pantry on Sat. Nov. 12th.  They will distribute collection bags the week before.  Every donation helps!

Help for Local Residents
Click Names for Links

Continuing to undergo chemo treatments in NYC, along with a now shattered bone in her left leg that can bear no weight.

Hiking accident that left him with broken ribs, nose, eye socket, collapsed lung, cracked skull, brain bleeding, and brain swelling.  Recovering with neurological and physical rehabilitation.

WCS graduate, her husband, and 3 children lost their home to flooding in Iowa and are not able to collect insurance on it.

On September 4th Doug Alberding lost his milking equipment and hay in a barn fire that subsequently forced him to sell his milking cows as well (no animals were lost in the fire). 

Battling breast cancer since 2001, that in 2012 she discovered had metastasized to her bones, and now the cancer has traveled to the lining of her brain.



Halloween Festivities:



Early Dismissal at WCS *today*









Milk & Gas

Although these pictures don't show it, The Marshall Towpath has been quite busy during the gorgeous Fall weather we've had right during peak.

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