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Wednesday, July 27



Happy Birthday (yesterday) to Joyce Holic
Happy Birthday (tomorrow) to Kristen Ashforth



Waterville Summer Rec Schedule this Week




Jody Hildreth discovered this Northern Bobwhite over the weekend.
If you know more about why they might be here in New York chime in!
"Tonight I was presented with an avian mystery.  While in our kitchen I heard a Northern Bobwhite calling somewhere in the direction of the library.  They have a very distinct call, but not one I have ever heard in New York since they do not live here.  They are raised by hunting clubs and released for sport, similar to pheasants.  

My daughter and I went out to find this bird, but it stopped calling.  As we returned home, there it was in our driveway!  It crossed the road and started feeding under our neighbors feeder.  I was wondering if you could ask on the blog if anyone knows where this bird could have come from.  Are there local hunting clubs that release this species?"

Library Director, Jeff Reynolds, captured the hard work happening behind the library

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