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Wednesday, July 13


Barbara Neidhart


Happy Birthday (today) to Tyler Richmond!










Next Week:



Save the Date for Cruisin' Into Waterville,
then get reminders by signing up for events on their Facebook Page 



Just some of the flags adorning Main Street:


Jody Hildreth has spent more time capturing amazing images at the Bluebird Nest:

"I am getting closer to the quality of picture I think I can get.  Each time I am learning new ways to improve.  I spent about two hours at the nest yesterday and the parents were very active.  This first photo is of the chicks. They are growing fast!"

"Here is a close up of one of the chick's wings showing the flight feathers developing."

"I to try to tell as much of the story of a growing family through my photographing, and one part of that story is how the parents keep the nest clean.  The chicks "poop" in what is called a fecal sac - the waste is surrounded by a mucous membrane.  The parents are constantly carrying this waste away from the nest to keep the inside clean."

"Now for the flight photos - and a chance to see what is on the menu for dinner.  My favorites are the very large brownish grasshopper (not sure how that fit inside one of the chick's mouths) and the very bright yellow grasshopper."

"The winter wheat growing all around the bluebirds.  I loved the way it looked with the sun backlighting it as a left after photographing the bluebirds for almost two hours."

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