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Wednesday, April 13




With Thanks to West Side Senior Center 
for Paula Gray Knitting Day
From WCS Librarian Katie Parker
"The Waterville Junior/Senior High School Library was pleased to receive a large donation of knitting supplies from the West Side Senior Citizen Center in Utica, NY.  Recently, the Waterville Junior/Senior High School hosted the first annual "Paula Gray Knitting Day," @ the school library.  Under the guidance of Kate Hobaica, MaryBeth VanDenbergh, Colleen Bogan, Debby Olin, and Debbie Barnes, Waterville Junior/Senior High School students explored knitting and crocheting.  Students continue to hone their skills in the library during study hall.  The staff of the Waterville Junior/Senior High School Library would like to express their gratitude to those at the West Side Senior Citizen Center for supporting our students’ interests."

Memorial Park Elementary celebrates Beverly Cleary's 100th Birthday

Tuesday, April 12, 2016, students in Mrs. Olmstead’s kindergarten class at Memorial Park Elementary School celebrated acclaimed children’s author,

Beverly Cleary’s 100th birthday in the school library.  With what Cleary’s most well-known character, Ramona
Quimby, would refer to as “a great big noisy fuss,” kindergartners sang “Happy Birthday,” counted to 100 by tens, listened to Mrs. Parker read
The Growing-Up Feet, a picture book by the author, 
and enjoyed cupcakes in her honor.
Later in the day, all students at MPS celebrated Beverly Cleary’s birthday with  a “Drop Everything And Read!”  Cleary strongly advocates making the act of reading a priority activity.

From Waterville First regarding the
Waterville Area Business Expo
Click Image to Register/Visit Website

Waterville Farm to School Jr Iron Chef Champions Last Year
They will compete again with new member Jordan on Saturday

Don't forget to do your Taxes. Due this year on Monday, April 18th.



Are you ready for several days of sunshine? 


Call 841-4651 to Sign Up

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