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Wednesday, March 23

Words and statements fall short when explaining an attack like this and others, 
but in sum:
"Early yesterday morning, two explosions went off in the check-in area of the Brussels airport. About an hour later, another explosion went off at a subway station just blocks away from European Union offices. At least 31 people were killed and hundreds were injured. ISIS claimed responsibility...  Last week, Brussels police captured Salah Abdeslam, a top suspect in last year's Paris terror attacks that killed 130 people.  Earlier this week, Abdeslam told police there was another attack planned in Brussels..."  -The Daily Skimm

Latest on the terrorist attack in Brussels

Credit USA Today: 
People gather to leave tributes at the Place de la Bourse following attacks 
on March 22, 2016, in Brussels

The weekend is looking great.

Happy Birthday to Patty Louise (March 23)!


5th & 6th Grade Musical 
at The Elementary School
Thurs. March 24
6:30 pm
Plus, get some yummy Baked Goods to benefit the MPS Marching Band

The High School Music Department
asks you to save your Cans and Bottles for their Drive
April 16th 
9 am-Noon
Then, be hungry for the 
Spaghetti Dinner
@ the High School Cafeteria
April 16th
4-7 pm

Indoor Artisan & Farmers Market
Upstairs in Morgan's Hardware Store


Oriskany Falls Egg Hunt 
10 am
at Douglas Park

Deansboro Egg Hunt
10 am
at the Town Hall


Good Friday Fish Fry
American Legion, C.J. Fulmer Post 92, Route 20
March 25
4:30- 7:30 pm


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