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Thursday, December 10


From the Observer Dispatch ...

"WATERVILLE Redemption center now open 

The Nickelback Redemption Center had a grand opening last week and is officially open for business under the ownership of The Arc, Oneida-Lewis Chapter, NYSARC. 

The business is at 379 N. Stafford Ave. with hours of 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Sunday

Call 841-3500 for pickup service. 

Bottle drives, fundraisers and donations are welcome. "



Fri. Dec. 11th is the Last Day to 
Give Books to The Waterville Community Christmas!
Wrapping paper can also be donated separately, but please leave books unwrapped.
Drop them off at the Library.



Paula Gray Dedication
Thursday, December 17th @ 6 pm 
Waterville Jr-Sr High School Nurse's Office
The Waterville Jr-Sr High School nurse's office will be renamed in Paula's honor, who passed away in October. The public is welcome to join in at the ceremony - which will appropriately include chocolate chip cookies.

 WCS Sports

If you're looking to make it to a WCS sporting event
here are the upcoming schedules.
If you have any photos from a game please send them our way. 



Photo: jmr
Not exactly the Polar Express!  Canning Factory crossing.


- TBT  -

For all of those who are dreaming of a winter wonderland,
we found some photos from last year at this time taken by Philippa Brown.

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