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Monday, August 2


Bill Sutherland 
January 29, 1964 - July 27, 2021

Click here for more information

No Photo Available

Philip "Tony" Thibault 
April 1, 1952 - July 26, 2021

Click here for more information



-Village of Waterville-

-Waterville Public Library-

-Waterville Central School-


WCSD Fall Sports Update

FamilyID will open for registration for Fall Sports on Sunday, August 1. 
A link will be pushed out via ParentSquare.
If you are in need of an updated physical, appointments will be available on Tuesday, August 10 at the Jr./Sr. High School. Please contact Ms. Fancett, Athletic Director's Secretary to schedule an appointment. Ms. Fancett can be reached at or (315) 841-3808. 
Updated physicals can be emailed to Mrs. Kane, school nurse at 
or faxed to (315) 841-3813.

Tackle and Cheer Practices will start Monday August 2nd from 530pm to 8pm at Memorial Park School (behind bus garage). Please bring $60 per child for registration fee and any paperwork that you still may have. Flag practice will start the following Monday same time.

More Details Coming Soon from the Waterville United Methodist Church on Vacation Bible School! 
Open to all area children August 16-20 from 6-8 pm

Register for your Car Seat Appointment Here:

From: Watervillecsd

Thank you to Mr. Crandall and the food service staff for providing yummy breakfast and lunch meals for our students this summer!


From: Waterville First (7/31 & 8/1)

A perfect Sunday morning to swing by the Waterville Standard Bakery AND to walk by and see progress on the Village mural! Russell definitely made great use of Saturday's blue skies and the anticipation is growing!
Waterville First, the Village of Waterville and the Cruisin' Into Waterville committee have been working together to mesh contributions towards an extra special Cruisin' to celebrate Waterville's 150th! Thanks to support from the Village, you can spy the start of a special mural that artist and WCS alumni Russell Mason came on board to design and paint. We can't wait to watch it progress and see it finished! Thanks also goes to John Brouillette for the agreed use of his downtown building.

From: The Waterville Public Library
Check out this fantastic find at the 212 building!
The old siding is coming down to prepare for its new look, and tucked underneath was
this newspaper from June 16, 1849!

From: Waterville Minor League Baseball-tee/coach pitch/minor
Great Season Waterville Orange Team. Thanks again to Ryan Bassett and crew for cleaning up the Deansboro field!!!

Great Season Waterville Coach Pitch Red Team players and Coach Weigel, Lubey, and Lynch

Great season O. Falls Tee Ball Team. Thanks to all of your coaches. I hope you learned and grew together and had a fantastic time doing it!!!

From: The Waterville Times
The spring season for Waterville AYSO, Region 492 was successful even with pandemic related guidance and restrictions. The 10U girls team coached by Monica Kilts was undefeated (8-0)

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