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Monday, January 27

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Photos Waterville CSD Art Department
Last week, the WCS Art Department had special guest, and retired Art teacher, Connie Bocko in to teach the Art Club how to do glass painting.

Photos RFA Musical
The RFA Musical pages shared out these great photos of the WCS participants in the Show Choir Festival over the weekend. Thank you to Jessica Lotyczewski, the Jr/Sr High Choir Director, for filling in the background for us.
This was the ninth annual Central new York Show Choir Festival! It is the brain-child of Jake Meiss, who is the high school band director ad musical director at Rome Free Academy. In 2011, he wanted to start a positive and non-competitive celebration of the different types of select vocal ensembles in and around Oneida County. The first year, the participants were RFA, Waterville, and Holland Patent. Since them, we have grown to include eight schools and it is one of the best nights of the year (unofficially voted by students and teachers). Each group gives a 15 minute individual performance and we culminate with 1-2 combined numbers with all schools involved, and we always end with "Finale B" from RENT. Our students get to meet kids from other schools with similar interests-- and it's amazing to see how the different groups support one another throughout the years! It really is a wonderful night-- and the students make lifelong friends! In addition this year, one of the pieces performed by the Whitesboro A Cappella Singers was arranged by A Sharp Arrangement, the A cappella group Waterville Alumna Ryanne Solinsky is a member of.

Photo: Head Over Heels Athletics
The Head Over Heels Competition Cheer Teams also hit the road over the weekend, heading out the the Hard Rock Nationals in Cleveland Ohio. There, both the Youth and Senior team scored extremely well.  Winning their level, the Youth team had zero deductions and scored 93.55- the 2nd highest score out of all 24 teams in attendance.  

Photo: Head Over Heels Athletics
The Senior Team also had zero deductions, and scored an excellent 93 as well.

Meanwhile, in Oriskany Falls, local Boy Scouts had the opportunity to compete in a biathlon and spend the night winter camping-- not on the sunny Friday, but Saturday. The day it went from rain, to freezing rain, to wet, slushy snow.  

A red sky start to Saturday morning in Sangerfield

By Sunday morning the clear roads and sidewalk were iced, then snow covered- with all kinds of interesting tracks.

With snowfall on and off throughout Monday and Tuesday. Plus relatively warm temperatures throughout the week, it looks like another chunk of mild winter weather leading up to Super Bowl Sunday.

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