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Friday, May 24


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Congratulations to Magnolia Schroer, the Waterville Rotary Club Young Person of the Year! Magnolia is a 6th grade student at Memorial Park Elementary School. Principal Mrs. Gray talked about the award selection by the 6th grade teachers, and Magnolia's academic accomplishments as well as her involvement in community service, sports, art, and music.  She was presented with her award and certificate on Thursday night with family in attendance as well.


Thursday night the rain held off long enough for the annual Bike Rodeo at the Waterville Public Library.  This event happens in collaboration with AAA out of Utica, who donates the materials and two helmets to raffle, and the Waterville Mountain Bike Club, who volunteer to help teach, ride with, and cheer on the younger riders.


Also on Thursday night, the Art Extravaganza filled the hallways of the high school with artwork by MPS students.


It also made for a sneak peek of the Marching Band rehearsing for the upcoming Memorial Day parades, as well as competitions in Sherburne, Dolgeville, and beyond.

Downtown, flowers & planters that had been started earlier in the greenhouse were placed. Another batch of memorial bricks for the Saliors & Soldiers monument are also ready to be added.

**No Blog Post on Memorial Day**

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