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Wednesday, September 12


Judith A. "Judy" Matteson (Genske)
July 28, 1947 - September 11, 2018



Meanwhile, category 4 Hurricane Florence looms in the south
Photo: International Space Station



The 13th Annual Cruisin' Into Waterville takes place this Saturday. 
It celebrates the beauty of the village that followed the 2 year road renovations of 2003/4, as well as the increasing charm and positive changes throughout the village.



Marshall Historical Society September Meeting
Open to the Public


Gas & Milk:

Check out the great number of positive things happening in the community below!

 Rays Brothers BBQ Tuesday Night:
"Today we handed over a check for $5,394 dollars to the Waterville Central School Student Council and FFA members thanks to the proceeds from out 4th Annual Ray Brothers BBQ Charity Golf tournament.  Thank you to everyone who came out and played in the tournament this year. It's one of our favorite events to do and we appreciate everyone taking the time to help support great local causes!


Continued Support for Ella Rae Ryan!

Congratulations to the Varsity Boys Soccer Team, currently ranked 4th in Class C. 3-0-0



Tuesday, Village Trustees and workers received a detailed tour of the wastewater plant from operators Louie Langone & Mike Kelley, as well as DPW Supt. Jamie Bechy. "It was a very informative 2-hour visit where we had the chance to learn about the upcoming $2.6 million upgrade project, including lists of equipment to be replaced/updated. The plant has received numerous awards over the years and has served as a model for other municipalities." - Trustee Nichols
Photos: Daniel Nichols


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