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Friday, December 15




Meet a MCAT representative Friday, December 15th at the Waterville Public Library any time between 1-3pm.

January 2018:



2017 Waterville Garden Club Christmas
Decorating Contest Winners

The Waterville Garden Club would like to thank all of those who decorated to celebrate this year's holiday season.  The three judges from out of town enjoyed driving around to judge the homes around Waterville.
As always, the homes within the village of Waterville were judged in 2 categories, over effect and doorway.  Business were judged separately.  Keep in mind the best of the best category is a recognition, separating those who have won over the past two years.  This year the judges added the following categories: "DRUM ROLL......... The Griswold's Family Christmas", "Country Christmas", and "Creative use of lights".  This allows us to recognize those who seemed to go above and beyond all others.  Please take a chance to drive around the village and enjoy the sights!
Thank you for keeping the village looking festive!

"DRUM ROLL........ The Griswold's Family Christmas Category:
1st Place:
Mr & Mrs. John Pumilia - 44 Tower St

2nd Place (tie):
Mr. & Mrs. Don Neff - 164 Berrill Ave
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Upcraft - 192 West Bacon St

3rd Place (tie):
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Coiro - 466 White St
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pumilia - Stafford Ave

Country Christmas Category:
1st Place:
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Langone - 124 West Bacon St

Creative Use of Lights Category:
1st Place:
Ms. Cathy Tardy - 124 White St
2nd Place
Mr. & Mrs. John Vaughn - 125 White St
3rd Place
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Holic - 125 West Bacon St.

"Best of the Best" Overall Effect Category:
1st Place: (tie)
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Ashforth - 125 East Bacon St
2nd Place (tie):
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Blinebry - 179 Madison St
Mr. & Mrs. Greg VonMatt - Madison St
3rd Place (tie):
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Wright - 354 White St
Ms. Patty Hinman - 120 Babbott Ave

Best of the Best Doorway Category:
1st Place:
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Maine - McCabe Rd
2nd Place (tie):
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Salata - 203 Osborne Ave
Mrs. Aggie Kelsey - 167 Madison St
3rd Place (tie):
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Abbe - Canning Factory Rd
Ms. Marge Wilson - 390 Tower St.

"Best of the Best" Doorway Honorable Mention:
Mr. & Mrs. Snow
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elliott

Overall Effect Category:
1st Place:
Mr. & Mrs. James VanWormer - Elmwood Ave
2nd Place (tie):
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hoffmeister - 238 Tower St
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tice - 119 East Bacon St
3rd Place (tie)
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ruane - 163 White St
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kemp - Rt 315

Overall Honorable Mention:
Mr. & Mrs. Dave O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Falk

Doorway Category:
1st Place (tie):
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bowen - 154 Babbott Ave
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Campion - 146 West Bacon St
2nd Place:
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bracket - Elmwood Ave
3rd Place:
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Rogers - 139 White St

Business Category:
1st Place:
Daniel Maine and Associates - 7229 Madison St
2nd Place:
The Slaughtered Lamb - 116 West Main St
3rd Place:
The Burgess & Tedesco Funeral Home - 210 E. Main St

One year ago this week: The Covidien Mill Warehouse Fire took everyone by surprise, and took a great deal of community fire fighters to tame it.

Photo: Brian Staring

Photo: Brian Staring 

Photo: CNY Fire

Photo: Deansboro Fire Department

Photo: CNY Fire

Photo: Deansboro Fire Department

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