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Monday, June 19





Waterville Public Library:

Waterville Food Pantry:



Fireworks over Oriskany Falls - Sat. June 24th

Last Week of June:

Starting July:

Waterville Summer Rec
July 5th - August 4th
Call 315-794-8199 or Stop in the Village Hall for more info

**Teams & Sponsors Needed**


Celebratory Happenings from the WCSD Twitter Account of Superintendent Charles Chafee
Senior Class of 2017 last walk through MPS on Friday, before Graduation on Saturday:


Congratulations Class of 2017! 
Graduation Day was Sat. June  17 with Guest Speaker Mr. Michael Ryan.
The rain even held off in celebration.

Meanwhile at MPS: 
The kids and staff are finishing up their last week of school with Full Days on Monday & Tuesday, and Half Days on Wednesday & Thursday.  To Celebrate the PTA helped sponsor Fun Day today!  It kicked off with an assembly showcasing Farm to School- each class made their own butter and got a glimpse at the smoothie bike that they would be able to try out later.  
The kids also raised over $200 to donate to Weekend Warriors by collecting quarters throughout the month of June.  Of course, the quarters had a fun spin of being able to dunk the teacher whose jar filled up the highest as well.  Fun Day also included a petting zoo, bounce houses, photo booth, crafts, picnic themed lunch and even more fun activities.

In the Village:

The library gardens growing strong in preparation for the big Annual Solstice Party (thanks to all of the rain and heat as of late)

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