Happy Birthday (today) to Tracy (Tanner) Beasley!
Turbine Travel:
We're receiving lots of questions about when the turbine may travel through the village. Monday the DPW heard that it would leave yesterday from GE, and it did. Now they will be updated on it's progress to try and give a best estimate of just when it will travel through here. Until it's closer, the number of factors involved in moving it make it difficult to make an accurate prediction. However, we can assure you that as information trickles down, it will be passed on. It is certainly a great opportunity to catch a glimpse again!
Gas & Milk
From The Weekend Warriors Benefit, as more bags are getting packed and ready to go home with students over the weekend.
Part of the Committee helping with the transition from Blessings in a Backpack to Weekend Warriors.
MPS Principal, Maureen Gray thanks the Timians for their hard work and dedication to the Blessings in a Backpack program.
The mild weather returned today, with a few clouds and sprinkles thrown in. The kids with a half day of school, and anyone who has a chance seem to be out enjoying it!