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Thursday, January 13


Ernest J. "Ernie" Werner
January 23, 1946 - January 8, 2022
-Village of Waterville-
-Waterville Central School-

-Waterville Public Library-
-Waterville First-
Click HERE for Curtains Ad Link

While we need a bit more snow here, if you travel a little north this long weekend,
 use that library card to check out snowshoes!
WPL has 3 Adult pairs and 4 Children's pairs that check out
with an adult Mid York library card.
Soon we hope to have enough snow for local use too!
We (Waterville Historical Society) are closed for the winter months
(we're sure winter will arrive)
while we complete some building projects.
We are open by appointment, either email or FB message us.
Blog Pics

Village wreaths are coming down, a sure sign that a new year has begun!

Around town, inconsistent snowfall...

 ...provides the keen observer...
...with an opportunity to...

...appreciate the textures,

and colors of winter.
The price of gas today.
From: Oriskany Falls Fire Department

Tonight, (01/10) members helped to retire our 1993 E-One Engine 3
and put in service our new Engine 3, a 2010 Pierce Pumper.
This truck will be first out the door to motor vehicle accidents and car fires.

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